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Jumat, 15 Maret 2013


500 gr ikan tenggiri (aku pakai ikan pangasius)ambil dagingnya, haluskan
250 gr tepung tapioka
2 butir telur
200 ml santan encer
Daun bawang, rajang halus
Daun pisang
Lidi/tusuk gigi

Aduk semua bahan jadi satu sampai kalis.
Sendok sedikit demi sedikit ke daun pisang, gulung. Sematkan dgn lidi.
Panggang diatas api/penggorengan.
Sajikan bersama bumbu kacang

otak-otak mackerel Ingredients:

* 250 grams of mackerel fish meat
* 1 egg white
* 2 tablespoons flour Kanji
* Pepper and salt to taste
* 6 red onions that have been crushed
* 2 scallions chopped fine
* Banana leaves for wrapping and biting Directions: Fish meat pounded until legit. Season pepper, salt, and egg white, smooth. Add flour and scallions. Coconut milk until the season is a pulp marrow. If less weak, add coconut milk to taste. Take a banana leaf, cut square. Place 1 tablespoon batter, roll, and close both ends with a biting. If all is wrapped, grilled over charcoal fire while inverted until cooked. otak otak may also be steamed first, then baked until fragrant smell. Usually served with peanut sauce Vinegar sauce Ingredients:

* 3 eggs fried and crushed pecan
* 6 cloves garlic
* 2 red chilies
* 2 chili pepper
* Sugar, salt, and vinegar to taste How to make: All materials are crushed, season with vinegar and a little boiled water, smooth. This seasoning liquid, feels hot, strange, sweet, and sour. Below is a prescription alternative to brain-brain Cuisine: otak otak mackerel fish 
Material: * 250 g of mackerel meat / snapper, puree * 100 g tapioca flour * 100 cc coconut milk from half coconut btr * 1 egg white * 10 stalk leaves of chives, thinly sliced * 1 / 2 teaspoon salt * 1 / 2 teaspoon pepper * 1 tsp sugar * Banana leaves to wrap Method: Mix the fish meat, tapioca flour, salt, sugar, pepper, sugar and coconut milk together and stir well. Add egg white and the leaves of chives and stir well. Take 1-2 tablespoons batter, roll with banana leaf, pin ujung2nya, roasted over the coals of fire / in the oven to fire up until cooked. Serve with peanut sauce. Peanut sauce: 50 g roasted hazelnut puree, 25 grams of roasted peanuts, 2 pieces red pepper, and cayenne pepper 5 pieces, mixed with 100 cc of boiled water, salt, 

sugar, and vinegar according to taste

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