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Senin, 11 Maret 2013


  • Mie telur,secukupnya.
  • Bakso(lihat cara membuat bakso).
  • Ayam dada potong dadu & kulit ayam.
  • 3 daun salam.
  • 1 batang sereh.
  • 2 sdm bubuk ketumbar.
  • 1 sdt bubuk kunyit.
  • 1 sdt bubuk lada putih.
  • Kecap manis,secukupnya.
  • Kecap asin/soya sauce,secukupnya.
  • 1 ruas jahe.
  • 5 siung bawang merah,iris.
  • 5 siung bawang putih,iris.
  • cabe merah/cabe kering,secukupnya.
  • penyedap rasa ayam & garam ,secukupnya.
  • Air 5 cups.


  • Rebus mie telur,sampai matang & sisihkan.
  • Oseng,b.putih,b.merah,sampai wangi.
  • masukan cabe,sereh,d.salam,ketumbar bubuk,kunyit & lada bubuk,aduk.
  • Masukan kulit ayam & ayam yg sudah di potong & tambahkan air.
  • Masukan penyedap,kecap manis & kecap asin.
  • Masak sampai ayamnya matang.
Cara penyajian:
  • Taruh mie di dalam mangkok(mie yg panas).
  • Tambahkan bakso &ayam berserta dgn kuahnya .
  • Taburi daun bawang diatasnya.

Mie Ayam Recipe Ingredients:

2 Tbsp Canola Oil
1 Onion medium sized (chopped)
2 cloves garlic (minced)
2 Skinless boneless split breasts
1.5 cups mushroom (chopped)
1 Tbsp Soy sauce
2 Tbsp Oyster Sauce (for chicken)
1.5 Tbsp Hoisin sauce (optional)
1.5 Tbsp Sweet Soy Sauce (kecap manis)
1.5 Tbsp Rice wine vinegar
salt and white pepper
1 bunch Yu Choy
5 Egg noodle
5 Tbsp Oyster Sauce (for noodle)
5 Tbsp sesame oil
White pepper to taste
Fried shallots to garnish
Mie Ayam Recipe Directions:

For Chicken:

Heat oil in a wok. Add onion and garlic. Stir until fragrant. Add chicken, soy sauce, oyster sauce, hoisin, sweet soy sauce, rice vinegar and salt pepper. When the chicken is almost done, add mushroom. Then stir until everything is well cooked.

Meanwhile, boil water and add some salt to it. Chopped the vegetables to desired size. Blanch the vegetables and put it aside.

Boil another pot of water for the noodles (for fresh you only need to boil for 2-3 mins but for dried, read the instruction). Drain the noodles and add the oyster, sesame oil and white pepper until well coated.

Assemble the vegetables and chicken on top of the noodles. Sprinkle some fried shallots on top. Serve it warm.


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