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Rabu, 13 Maret 2013


Bahan :
  • 100 gram tepung terigu protein sedang
  • 1 butir telur
  • 250 ml susu cair
  • ¼ sdt garam
  • 1 sdm margarin, lelehkan, biarkan dingin
Bahan dan Bumbu Untuk Isi :
  • 300 gram kentang, potong dadu, goreng
  • 150 gram wortel, iris halus
  • 100 gram buncis, iris agak tipis
  • 150 ml air
  • 4 butir bawang merah, cincang halus
  • 2 siung bawang putih, cincang halus
  • ½ sdt pala bubuk
  • 2 tangkai seledri, iris halus
  • garam, merica dan gula secukupnya
  • 2 sdm margarin untuk menumis
Penyelesaian :
  • 3 butir telur, kocok lepas
  • 150 gram tepung panir kasar / tepung roti
  • minyak untuk menggoreng
  1. Campurkan bahan kulit, yaitu tepung terigu, telur, susu cair dan garam, aduk rata. Saring lalu masukkan margarin cair, aduk rata. Siapkan wajan anti lengket, lalu ambil sedikit adonan dan buat dadar. Sisihkan
  2. Untuk isi risoles, tumis bawang putih dan bawang merah sampai harum. Tambahkan kentang, wortel dan buncis. Aduk hingga layu, tuangkan air, masukkan garam, merica, pala bubuk dan gula. Masak sampai bumbu meresap, tambahkan seledri, aduk rata kembali.
  3. Ambil selembar kulit, beri isi lipat dan gulung. Celupkan gulungan risoles ke dalam telur lalu gulingkan ke tepung panir. Masukkan ke dalam kulkas biarkan sekitar 2 jam.
    Panaskan minyak, goreng risoles hingga matang dan berwarna coklat kekuningan. Angkat, tiriskan dan siap untuk dihidangkan.

Risoles wrapper

150 g all-purpose flour
1 egg
200 ml milk

For filling

150 g minced beef or 150 g chicken
3 small potatoes, cut into small cubes
2 carrots, cut into small cubes
1 onion, peeled and sliced
2 garlic cloves, peeled and sliced
1 stalk celery, chopped
1 stalk spring onion, chopped
1 tablespoon flour, mixed with a little of water
1/2 teaspoon pepper
1/2 beef bouillon cube
sugar, to the taste
1 cup water

For dipping
1 egg

Wrapper: take a bowl then combine the flour, salt and egg. Gradually add the milk whisk them to make a smooth texture. When it's done, heat up non-stick pan. Take about 2 tablespoons of the mixture, pour to the pan and make it thin (just like how you make crepes). Cook it with low heat. When the edge of the skin is dry and you can peel off easily, it means it is cooked. Set aside.

Filling: heat up the wok, then sauté the onion and garlic until fragrant. Add the meat and mix them well for few minutes. Then add carrots, pepper, salt, celery and 1 cup of water. Cover. When the carrots are half-cook, add the potatoes. Continue cooking until they are tender and add 1 tablespoon of flour mixed with water to make the filling thicker. You can add a little of sugar to adjust the taste.

The Risoles: take one Risoles's wrapper then add the filling in the bottom. Leave the bottom few cm's clear. Lift the wrapper over the top and tuck it in under the filling. Fold over the left side, and then the right side and roll it up to form a tube. Repeat until all the wrappers are finished.

Dipping: dip the rissoles into beaten egg then coat them with bread crumbs. Deep fry them with low heat, set aside and use the tissue paper to absorb the oil.

Serve with fresh green bird's eyes chillies or chili sauce.

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