Kering Tempe

Untuk +/- 200 gram
- 250 gr tempe kedelai, iris berbentuk korek api
- 4 siung bawang putih
- 2 buah cabe rawit
- 2 iris lengkuas
- 3 biji asam jawa
- 2 sdm gula merah*
- 2 sdm gula pasir*
- Minyak untuk menggoreng tempe
Cara membuat:
- Goreng tempe hingga kering (pastikan tempe sudah mengapung di minyak), sisihkan
- Haluskan bumbu kecuali asam jawa
- Masukkan asam jawa
- Tambahkan sedikit air untuk meratakan bumbu halus
- Sangrai bumbu halus hingga mengental, gunakan api sedang
- Kecilkan api, masukkan tempe, aduk hingga bumbu tercampur rata
- Taburi bawang merah goreng
- Done

Translated version
Tempe is an Indonesian traditional food that can be processed into various dishes. Kering tempe is usually becomes as complementary dish of yellow rice or tumpeng. Made from tempe which has sweet-sour-spicy seasonings, this dish makes a very unique both in texture and taste. Here’s the recipe:
For + / – 200 grams
- 250 grams of soybean tempeh, slice as a stick
- 4 cloves garlic
- 2 pieces of cayenne pepper
- 2 slices of lengkuas (one of Indonesian herb)
- 3 seeds tamarind
- 2 tablespoons brown sugar *
- 2 tablespoons white sugar *
- Soybean oil for frying
How to make:
- Fry tempeh until crispy (make sure the tempeh is floating in oil)
- Blend the spices except tamarind
- Enter tamarind
- Add a little water to blend the spices well
- Roasted (saute without oil) the spices until thickened, use medium heat
- Reduce the heat, put in tempeh, stir it until well blended with the spices
- Sprinkle fried onion
- Done

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