Nastar Klasik

Untuk 600 gram
- 100 gr margarin (atau mentega)
- 100 gr butter
- 3 butir kuning telur
- 50 gr gula halus
- 1 sdm susu skim bubuk
- 250 gr tepung terigu protein rendah (eg: Kunci), ayak
- 25 gr tepung maizena
- 1 butir kuning telur untuk mengoles
- selai nanas
- cengkeh sebagai garnish
- Kocok margarin, butter, gula halus, kuning telur, dan susu bubuk sampai lembut
- Masukkan campuran tepung terigu dan tepung maizena, aduk dengan spatula kayu hingga rata dan adonan dapat dibentuk
- Bulatkan adonan (jangan terlalu besar), bentuk seperti mangkuk dan isi dengan selai nanas, bulatkan kembali
- Letakkan pada loyang yang telah diolesi margarin, olesi permukaannya dengan kuning telur dan beri cengkeh di atasnya
- Panggang hingga bewarna kecoklatan
- Done!

- Margarin, butter, dan selai lebih baik disimpan di dalam refrigerator.
- Saat mengocok adonan margarin, gunakan kecepatan rendah dan tidak perlu terlalu lama (cukup hingga adonan tercampur rata) agar margarin dan butter tidak cepat melelh dan membuat kue menjadi luber saat dipanggang.
Translated version:
This cookie seems becoming a common cookies for ‘Eid al-Fitr. There are many types of Nastar nowdays, but I like the original one. By using this type of low protein flour, Nastar will be crispy, very yummy and addictive. Here’s the recipe:
For 600 grams
- 100 grams of margarine (or butter)
- 100 grams of butter
- 3 egg yolks
- 50 gr powdered sugar
- 1 tablespoon skim milk powder
- 250 gr low protein flour, sifted
- 25 gr cornstarch
- 1 egg yolk for greasing
- pineapple jam
- cloves as garnish
- Beat margarine, butter, powdered sugar, egg yolks, and milk powder until soft
- Enter a mixture of flour and cornstarch, stirring with a wooden spatula until blended and the dough can be shaped
- Round the dough (not too big), fill it with pineapple jam, round back
- Place on a baking pan that has been spread with margarine, spread the surface of the batter with egg yolk and put cloves on it
- Bake until brown colored
- Done!

- Margarine, butter, and jam are better kept in the refrigerator.
- When the whisk margarine, use low speed and do not need to be too long (just until the dough is well blended) so that margarine and butter won’t be melted quickly that lead the cookies won’t be shaped as before baked.
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