Cheese Stick

Bahan :
- 500 gr tepung terigu protein sedang
- 50 gr tepung terigu protein tinggi
- 200 gr tepung tapioka
- 25 gr tepung maizena
- 200 gr keju edam parut
- 50 gr keju cheddar parut
- 100 gr mentega
- 2 butir telur, kocok lepas
- 300 ml air dingin
- 1/2 sdm baking powder
- 1/2 sdm garam
- minyak untuk menggoreng
- Ayak tepung terigu bersama baking powder, tepung maizena, dan tepung tapioka
- Campur semua tepung, keju, telur, mentega, dan garam. Aduk dengan ujung-ujung jari tangan hingga rata
- Tambahkan air dingin sedikit demi sedikit, uleni adonan hingga adonan menggumpal.
- Giling adonan dengan penggiling mie dengan, gunakan nomer ketebalan sesuai keinginan, jangan terlalu tebal atau tipis
Goreng hingga kuning keemasan. - Done

- Jenis keju bisa salah satu saja (edam, parmesan, atau cheddar) atau kombinasi dari beberapa jenis tersebut.
- Jangan terlalu lama atau terlalu keras (tekanan) saat menguleni adonan, hal tersebut akan menyebabkan stick keras dan tidak gurih.
- Jika adonan yang akan digiling terasa masih lembek, tambahkan lagi tepung terigu hingga teksturnya baik
- Karena adonan mengandung telur, maka saat menggoreng akan keluar busa, maka dari itu, sebelum menggoreng atau sebelum menggiling adonan, bubuhkan tepung tapioka terlebih dahulu.
Actually I made this cheese stick on last Eidul Fitr, but because of some things, so I just shared the recipes now. This recipe is very easy to do, the snack is tasty, crispy, and so cheese. Here’s the recipe:
500 gr all purpose flour
- 50 gr high protein flour
- 200 gr tapioca flour
- 25 gr cornstarch
- 200 gr grated edam cheese
- 50 gr grated cheddar cheese
- 100 grams of butter
- 2 eggs, beaten off
- 300 ml of cold water
- 1/2 tbsp baking powder
- 1/2 tbsp of salt
- oil for frying
- Sift flour with baking powder, cornstarch, and tapioca flour
- Mix flour, cheese, eggs, butter, and salt. Stir with hands
- Add cold water gradually, knead dough until dough is clumping.
- Milled dough with a grinder, use the numbers as desired thickness, not too thick nor thin
- Fry until golden brown.
- Done: D

- You can only use one type of cheese (edam, parmesan or cheddar) or a combination of these.
- Do not be too long or too hard (pressure) while kneading the dough, it will cause the stick hard and nor crispy
- If the dough that will be milled was still soft, add more flour until the texture is good
- Because the dough containing eggs, it will be ‘foamed’ when fried, therefore, before frying or before grinding, put tapioca flour first on the dough.
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